There is really only one "Asked Question" let alone "Frequently Asked Question".

If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section of this page.

Stay nasty!

Q: "How are you defining a 'Video Nasty'?"

A: "Video Nasty" is not (as some may think) simply a term meaning "grimy horror film" - it  refers to 79 specific films.

In the early 80s at the beginning of the home video boom, there was no legal requirement to have a video certified (i.e. Passed as U, PG, 15, 18 or whatever).

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), felt that objectionable videos needed to be controlled, and therefore expanded the 'obscene publications act' to cover violence as well as sex.

A list was publish monthly of titles that the DPP thought may get a jury conviction as obscene. The list changed monthly, titles being added as complaints came in, and removed as prosecutions failed.

No reason had to be given for a titles placement on the list, and listed titles could be (and were) seized by the police and taken as evidence.

In all 72 titles spent at least some time on the list, 39 of them gaining successful prosecutions.

This list is informally known as the 'video nasties' list - the full list can be seen on the 'viewing schedule' page.

The DPP list was dropped when the video recordings act came into effect, and titled had to be rated by the BBFC.

Also see Wikipedia.

Q: "Why is your list longer than 79 movies?"

You'll notice that there are 2 Octobers in the main run of movies - just for fun, and in honour of Halloween, We made these "Shocktobers" a break from the norm.

For "Shocktober 2011" we scheduled movies related to, but not on, the list, with one week devoted to a free choice for the reviewers.

"Shocktober 2012" will center around remakes of movies on the main list.

Q: "Will the site remain active after you've watched all of the movies?"

Once the full run of 79 movies is over, this site will remain up, and open for comments, but no new content will be added; we will however be launching a companion site, where we plan to look at more remakes of and sequels to the DPP72, as well as movies which almost made the list, should have made the list, or are otherwise connected to the whole Video Nasty phenomenon, or film censorship in general.

Having exhausted those, we have plans for a 3rd weekly movie blog that should keep us busy well into the future. More details of that will follow when we're closer to the time.

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